Commission Information

Here you will find information regarding commissions, pricing, TOS, and a little about me!
Commissions: Open
Art Trades: Tentative
Requests: Closed

Terms of Service


I will happily draw:

Will Not

I will not draw:
Hateful Content
Problematic Content
Hyper/Extreme Fetish

By agreeing to my TOS, you understand the following:

I have the right to refuse a commission for any reason - personal, moral, time, complexity, etc. I’m unlikely to turn down a comm without explanation.
I work full time during the day, and take weekends off to recover.
Work days are Mon-Fri, though I try my best to answer inquiries Sat-Sun.
Please don’t rush me! If you have a deadline, tell me upfront and we can work something out. But pushing for updates when it’s been only a day can be hard on my anxiety. Be patient.

The Commission:
I request a clear, unshaded reference of the character to accurately color and draw them.
Please have a solid idea in mind before I start working. Constantly changing the concept is difficult to keep up with and will likely result in errors.
I’ll try my best to ask if there’s anything unclear/inconsistent in the references.
If there isn’t an already drawn design for the character, I will apply a design fee as this adds more steps and time to the process.
Changes to the commission are expected to be brought up during the WIP updates. Unmentioned changes after the finished piece is sent (ex, changing pose, clothing, expression) will result in a fee for the additional time and effort.

Price Guide

*Listed are base prices, subject to quote depending on complexity, ect
Complex Background adds 35% of base price.
Additional characters add 75% to base price.

Flat Color: $10
Shaded $15

Half Body
Flat Color: $15
Shaded $20

Full Body
Flat Color: $20
Shaded; $30

Custom Design
Simple: $40
Full Ref: $80

Ref Sheets
Simple includes front view and bio
(Text bio + colors, optional eyes + paw view)

Full - Includes front, back, headshot or chibi outfit

*Design fee applies for creating the design, see Custom Design

Special Offers: Chibi Style
Chibi Character: $15
Chibi Ref Sheet: $30
Only available as Full Ref
